FREE! FREE! Fly my pretties! The Sky is your Playground!
Well, that's the way i'm feeling these days.
After three long months of hard, arduous, work, The show i was working on is finally done. I have missed my friends. I have missed opportunities within the Camarilla and I've been missing my peeps in the Wanton Wicked chat. Would have been on tonight but mental exhaustion caught up to me and beat me with iron bars.
But i didn't want to go any longer without some updates, and let you peoples know what's the what.
I opened a store on Zazzle and hope that you folks are interested enough to pick up some merch for your own amusement. You can also join what's called a "Fan Club" and get updates when new stuff gets designed. Soon this link will go into the sidebar in a fairly permanent fashion. In fact. I have a special deal.
Some of you know that i wrote a book. A book i cannot publish. I am giving away a PDF copy of this book to any person who can prove they bought a product from the Zazzle store. In fact, send me a picture of you with your shirt, button or whatever on, and i'll send it to you via direct mail.
The Book is entitled "Out in the Night Air" and is by my camarilla character "Pinky Berkowitz". Pinky has made his book widely available to as many Carthians as he can (and a few select Invictus. But there's no reason why other's can't get in on the fun too.
2) The Ebon Shelf
Another addition for the sidebar and very soon is my repository for short and Micro-fiction of an Occult nature.
The whole plan for this website was to create "Prop text" for putting around bits of Occult plot found in dusty old tomes. rather than create a whole lot of "Lorem Ipsem" text. Who knows. Maybe the prop text could lead somewhere too.
But over time it metamorphosed into the occasional bit of fiction that would boil out of me.
And others have contributed too. (which was the plan! God knows i didn't want to write it all myself.) But it is still mostly just me these days. Join! Read! Contribute yourself if you feel lead to!
3) I have been named Interim VST for the Vampire venue in my city. (which is growing. But very slowly.) In addition i intend to put myself in for VST and for DST as well, when we have our Domain status. (Which is coming soon i think.)
What this means. is MOAR LARPING and therefore, more articles. Indeed i may have some thoughts rattling around in my transome right now. heh!
4) May have talked my mother into editing the WFCR book (which has still gone unedited.) So i may be pimping that in the very near future.
5) Hey. It appears that Blogger has updated certain tools for Safari users. Awesome!